Jason Ferguson's Geeky Gamer Blog

My adventures in virtual worlds, gaming, and the videogame industry.

Posts Tagged ‘qa

Metaverse’s StarCraft Army

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This blog was originally written for the Metaverse Mod Squad blog here: http://metaversemodsquad.com/metaverses-starcraft-army/


Working at Metaverse Mod Squad is a lot like playing StarCraft to me. No, I don’t mean that we play games all day (although now that I think about it, some of us do). If you’ve ever played StarCraft (or any Real-time strategy game for that matter), you understand the need for specialized units to deal with specialized situations. For example, if you’re looking for a rush attack, pumping out a few Zerglings might lead to a quick and easy victory. On the other hand, if you want to play defensively, set up some turrets and tanks and decimate your enemies as they approach.

Metaverse is a lot like that. With our diverse team and wide array of skills, we can offer numerous different services to our clients. Customer support, moderation, social media… you name it. We. Do. That.

So what exactly does Metaverse’s StarCraft army look like? Let’s take a closer look… Read the rest of this entry »

Written by jasondferguson

August 30, 2013 at 4:25 pm